Monday, January 21, 2013

#11 Stair Climb

IDCI always has a great turnout at Stair Climb. I believe that is because the first year it happened, it was advertised and promoted very well, so we had a great turnout. From that great turnout, we won, then we won again and again. Stair Climb has now turned into like an IDCI phenomena where everyone  gets excited and we raise more than triple any of the other schools.

One thing I fear, is that other schools will start getting less motivated for stair climb and that Stair Climb will start becoming less popular.

I believe, to solve this problem, we should either let the other schools win once (never going to happen) or join the London Stair Climb and start an all-Thames Valley Stair Climb, or even just London and Oxford County Stair Climb.


#9 Challenge Day at IDCI

(I know this one is really late... sorry!)

I believe that Challenge Day is a great idea and a great concept to have students learn that they are not alone, and that everyone matters.

For next year, I think we should stick with what we 'tried' to do this year and have all the grade 10's go. I know it didn't work out to well this year but next year, we will be sure to advertise and have a good population of grade 10's go.

I think having Challenge Day in grade 10 is a good idea. Now that we have the Peer to Peer Drug Counselling that occurs in Grade 9 we have many opportunities for students to feel supported and understood. Which is very desirable in grade's 9 and 10 when many students feel insecure and they try to 'find ' themselves.


#7 News Reporter Responds to Letter

I think this news reporter was totally out of line by making this on-air comment at the "bully"/commenter. News reporters generally keep there personal life out of the stories. News reporters do that so they do not show predjudice on-air. This is completely personal and although many people have faced this problem (bullying), I believe she shouldn't have been allowed to turn a news report into a personal attack on her bully.

Even though I believe she shouldn't have said that, I still believe no one should have sent her an email calling her disrespectful because she is overweight. I believe everyone has a right to any job as long as they are qualified and willing to fill all the requirements for that job. A good example is this news reporter. She is a great public speaker and she has a strong 'backbone' and an assertive personality. She shouldn't be judged on her weight.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

#5 Love Letter to Canada

I just have read the last letter Jack Layton left to Canadians and it is very moving. He is great at engaging an audience (such as myself; not an NDP fan). In the letter, he left a breif idea of what his political ideas were and how he wishes to see the party grow. I personally think that the party won't be as successful without him. I believe some Canadians only vote for who they think would make a "good Prime Minister" and not the party with the best plans and goals. I still do not know who the successor to the NDP is but I can infer that they are not at all like Jack Layton.

-Colin Shelton

Sunday, January 13, 2013

#20 Book of Awesome

The entry that really "spoke" to me was the entry about 'Really Good Candy with your Bill at a Restaurant". Last year me and my friends would go out to dinner at Louies and Crabby Joes practically every Friday night and we would only pick those restaurants because they give out candy and free refills. That entry brought back good memories about trying to be the first one to grab there second candy after they got us our bill. I can really relate to how awesome that really is.

-Colin Shelton

Monday, January 7, 2013

#15 One Positive Thing That Should Happen at IDCI...

I think that IDCI should have a spirit week from January 21-24 (before exams). I think it should involve events/spirit days that benfit studying (if thats even possible). Like Lazy Day: wear pajamas, wacky hair. Then, Hat Day or something that will appeal to the guys and gals that are always told to take off their hats in class. Then we can have a food-related event/day where people get a free homecooked (or store bought) muffin or cookie baked by leadership students (so we know they are peanut-free) given to them in the morning of the day before exams. That last idea still needs processing because we can't possibly bake 800 cookies or muffins. Or we could use up a unhealthy day and sell "junk food" at lunch on the Thursday. I don't know. Food motivates Ingersoll though!

In Summary, I think we should have a spirit week that most of IDCI would enjoy and participate in.

- Colin Shelton


Monday, November 5, 2012

#13 What Now

Now that the rush of Challenge Day, Stair Climb, and Hallowe'en is over,  I believe it is time to start a long term project. We all got involved in the Grade 12 Leadership to get involved and make a difference. I think we start something that the school can carry on for other years.

Peer to Peer Drug Training:
This is an increasingly alarming problem at IDCI. I think it's time we start actually doing something about it. Lets start our project by having our class of 18 divided into 3 groups of 6 people. Each of those 3 groups will go to a class (preferably 1P) and start 'counselling'.
I still stand by what I said at Independent that we should kick this thing off by having the Statistic Fake-Death thing where we take random pre-determined kids from classes according to statistics (e.g.. 1/30 kids die from snorting crack and then we steal one kid from each class.) (e.g.. or we have an assembly where predetermined kids come up from the audience to the stage and we announce why they left the group on the ground )

A Little Something in the Air... (<-- sorry ahaha thats always on Sims when they talk about garbage)
So the garbage problem in IDCI hallways is getting ridiculous. We should have either more recycling bins or garbage bins put out. We should also have some class do a weekly-garbage-sweep where they clean the hallways or a hallway every week.

Personally I would like to see Student Parliament take a larger part in the school as we have been fairly inactive. We all have great plans/ideas so I think I/We should take more leadership in Parliament and 'Step up to the Plate'.

Colour Houses:
With the go-ahead from Chelsea, I would love to see the Colour House idea take off. I think it should be Parliament run with the help of leadership though (Sorry to be segregating parliament from leadership :s). I also think we should wait for Chelsea to come back. But we should move forward with it none the less.

-Thanks Again! Colin Shelton